Treatment of osteochondrosis

Can degenerative spine disease be cured? Few think about it, but everyone wants to relieve symptoms.osteochondrosis is a disease of the spineWhat to do in case of pain: try all methods one by one at home or see a doctor? The main treatment for osteochondrosis is to block pain and relieve inflammation at the site of the damaged area of the spine, then carry out restorative measures. Depending on the causes of osteochondrosis, treatment may consist of relieving vascular spasms, restoring nutrition of the intervertebral discs, eliminating the curvature of the spine, etc. Maybe you just need to visit a chiropractor and "fix" the displaced vertebrae, or it may be time to remove the hernia.

There is no consensus among doctors on how to treat osteochondrosis. This is due to the complexity of the processes occurring in the vertebral structures. Just as it is impossible to "cure" the old age of the whole organism, so it is impossible to "cure" the destructive processes of the aging spine. But reasonable prevention will help stop the degradation process of the vertebrae and discs - osteochondrosis. Treatment consists not only of helping immediate needs, eliminating unpleasant symptoms, but also making it a habit to take care of the spine. This should be especially remembered if you have an unfavorable inheritance.

How and how to treat osteochondrosis at home

Some people think that if the back hurts a little, there is no need to go to the doctor, it is easier to self-medicate. Before treating osteochondrosis, you just need to be examined! A thorough diagnosis of the spine avoids blunders in home treatment, which can lead to worsening of the condition (joint swelling, hernia).

compresses and ointments for osteochondrosis

What can we do alone with an osteochondrosis attack? If the pain syndrome periodically bothers you and you already know for sure what its cause is, then treating osteochondrosis at home becomes a habit. Wraps and ointments, massages, relaxation meditations, muscle strengthening are procedures that can be used at home.

Pay special attention to proper nutrition. Fats are needed to keep joints functioning, so butter is the best breakfast food. Protein is also vital, but it is best to consume it not in the form of meat, but in the form of cereals and legumes. These are all grains, peas, beans, and nuts. Adequate water is beneficial for blood vessels and metabolic processes in the body, so drink clean water (from a filter) between meals.

Treatment of osteochondrosis in people

By folk remedies we mean natural products, not medicinal products. Treatment of osteochondrosis with folk remedies is aimed at relieving pain, local inflammation, "dissolving salts" in the joints.

  • Black currant leaves are an excellent diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. Their infusion is useful for muscle and joint pain. Pour boiling water over a handful of currant leaves and cook in a water bath for 10 minutes. Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day.
  • For head and neck pain, try horseradish leaves. Pour boiling water over the pastry, apply a warm one on the neck, cover with plastic and a warm cloth. Keep up to 1 hour.use of horseradish for neck painFor back pain, you can rub the horseradish juice, you can mix it in half with vodka. It is imperative to cover the sore spot with a warm scarf, preferably wool, and lie down for up to 1 hour.
  • Painful sensations are relieved by burning foods, chili, mustard, garlic mixed with pork fat 1: 2 are suitable for these purposes. Do not overdo it, with a strong burning sensation, immediately remove the compress.

Many people perceive osteochondrosis as a disease associated with salt deposition, so the following products are helpful in removing them.

  • Pumpkin - promotes the elimination of chlorides and cholesterol, as it contains a lot of pectin. Eat raw before meals and drink pumpkin juice 15 minutes before meals.
  • Celery: Squeeze the juice from the whole plant (stem, leaves and root) and drink 2 tablespoons each. 3 times a day. You can make a "squeezed" celery wrap: grease the sore spot with vegetable oil, apply the cake, tie it with a cotton cloth and then a woolen cloth.
  • Prepare the cranberry leaves in a thermos with boiling water for at least 1 hour and drink a quarter of a glass of broth 4-5 times a day.
  • Pour two tablespoons of birch with a glass of boiling water and steam in a "bain marie" for 15 minutes, filter and drink cold in the morning and at lunch before meals.

Be especially careful when using traditional methods of treating osteochondrosis with herbs. Herbs contain many chemicals which, when combined with medicines, can enhance their effect or, conversely, be incompatible and harmful. Therefore, consult your doctor even if you are using single herbs.

Remembering that all diseases are caused by the nerves, treating osteochondrosis at home also involves removing emotional stress, eliminating stress.relieving emotional stress helps with ostecondrosis, The mechanism of this process is simple: under stress, our body prepares to repel an attack, this is biologically intrinsic, which means that the muscles are tense. The muscles of the neck and back are in a constant state of tension and begin to ache due to the spasm. But it's not that bad. In turn, blood flow and the supply of nutrients to the structures of the spine are disturbed, they begin to degrade (break down).

To make it completely clear how to treat osteochondrosis, let us recall once again that the main efforts are aimed at reducing the processes of destruction of vertebral structures. Our job is to slow them down or stop them. So we turn to preventive measures, namely strengthening the back muscles and developing the mobility of the spine.

Treatment of osteochondrosis at home using gymnastics

Everyone knows that keeping your joints moving requires an active lifestyle. But active sports are only useful for healthy people. When there are dysfunctions of the spine, therapeutic exercises are indicated without a strong load.

Basic principles:

The main thing when doing the exercises is to take the load off the spine, so all exercises are performed while standing on all fours or lying down. Efforts are made in two directions: exercises to relax the muscles and strengthen them.

In case of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, treatment at home is contraindicated in any form, especially with the help of physical activity, since it is necessary to diagnose and find the cause of the pain. Even during the period of remission, exercises associated with a significant stretching of the back muscles are prohibited, such as tilting the trunk by more than 20 degrees (they create unnecessary pressure on the discs, their injury is possible).

with osteochondrosis, exercises are performed on all fours to relieve the load from the spine

With the help of gymnastics, the treatment of osteochondrosis at home is effective in the initial stage of the disease. Gentle exercises ensure the safety of the spine. At the same time, they restore the microcirculation of blood flow and, consequently, the nutrition of the tissues of the discs and vertebrae.

The safest and most rewarding activity is hanging on a horizontal bar. In this case, the spine is stretched, the intervertebral discs are released, and with them the vessels and nerve roots are blocked. You can make very small turns of the torso as you do this, which improves the blood supply to the spine.

Home treatment requires prolonged effort. Gymnastics takes 10 to 30 minutes a day, only then can we talk about recovery.

Medicines for osteochondrosis

Before treating osteochondrosis with drugs, it is best to visit a specialist - a vertebrologist or a neurologist. Osteochondrosis is characterized by severe pain, the most important factor for patients, which causes a lot of problems and stops work. Therefore, the drugs are mainly aimed at relieving pain. When symptoms worsen, anti-inflammatory drugs are used in pills and injections. The so-called NSAIDs have an analgesic effect.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with drugs

Here are some popular anti-inflammatory drugs:

injections of drugs for osteochondrosis
  • injections, injections: diclofenac, meloxicam, metamizole sodium.
  • tablets: nimesulide, ibuprofen, celecoxib.
  • ointments and gels: Diclofenac.

It should be remembered that a medicine taken alone is not effective. An integrated approach is needed, so consulting a doctor is imperative!

The doctor may prescribe additional drugs, for example to prevent side effects or to enhance the action of basic drugs, antioxidants and vitamin complexes. Sedative (sedative) drugs are sometimes prescribed to eliminate neurological disorders that are one of the causes of spinal disease.

Muscle relaxants are used: drugs to remove muscle tone, relax spasmodic tissues. They are an important part of the treatment of osteochondrosis, in which muscle tension is a characteristic and frequent occurrence.

Angioprotectors are mandatory - drugs that restore the work of blood vessels and blood flow.

Drug treatment of osteochondrosis is not complete without chondoprotectors, drugs that restore cartilage tissue. However, their effectiveness is a controversial issue when it comes to the spine. Therefore, their application depends on your considerations.

Drugs that improve metabolism and vitamins are useful during this period, as the fight against any disease requires a lot of energy from the body. It will not be superfluous to support your immunity.


physiotherapy for osteochondrosis

Physiotherapy also aims to relieve inflammation, edema, muscle tone, accelerate tissue metabolism and normalize blood circulation. Treatment of osteochondrosis with physiotherapy involves procedures such as electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, mud therapy, baths, acupuncture.

Thermal treatment of osteochondrosis

It is impossible not to notice such a fact as the treatment of osteochondrosis in a sanatorium is a popular service in any locality. The same physiotherapy plus massage is offered. Sanatoriums are primarily intended for the prevention of this disease and the strengthening of the patient's general well-being.

You can choose your way of treating osteochondrosis and consult your doctor about its adequacy.